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Jul 17, 2012

Balanced Diet (healthy eating) Plan

A Balanced Diet (healthy eating) Plan Preparation
 A balanced diet plan, you should eat what you say what time is not a definite plan. This plan to control your blood sugar levels and reach the appropriate weight to help you protect it, a large but well-organized strategy.
 A good diet plan is also your three main food source (protein, fat, carbohydrate),
allows you to establish a healthy balance of vitamins and minerals.

Use the Food Pyramid, a balanced diet
 Food Pyramid, a guide to help you for a healthy and balanced diet. When feeding, helps you to make healthy choices. Nutrition under the pyramid portion, each shows a part of
daily food need.
 Also important to take every kind of food. Below you will receive a large part of nutrients in the upper part of a large section of the small parts smaller than try to choose.

Get advice from dietitian for Nutrition
 Your doctor or dietitian, can help hazırlamanızda a balanced nutrition plan using your favorite dishes. This diet plan will be created according to your lifestyle. Dietitian, can help you understand the information to the labels of food products. This will be useful to bring into the habit of reading labels. Dietitian, healthy recipes and nutrition can help you find other materials that you can use in planning.

Reading food labels in shopping and
 Read the content of that food labels when shopping. Reading labels will help you choose healthy foods.

Reduce fatty foods for balanced nutrition
 Reduce the intake of fat, whether or not diabetes is extremely important for anyone who wants a healthy nutrition. Calories from fats, should not exceed 30% of daily calorie needs. Food labels, how much fat the product contains or how many total calories are from fat provided the information. In order to use when planning your meals, make sure you understand the label information is correct. Remember that a gram of fat, the same amount of calories of carbohydrate or protein contains little more than two times.

A balanced diet of meat, fish and cheese
 Meat, fish and cheese, while the amount of fat check. Choose low-fat products. Oily product 10% more fat than içermemelidir.Eğer If a product, you should eat smaller portions.

Balanced Nutrition Bread and Cereals
 Bread and cereal products, check the amount of fiber and sugar. High-fiber, low sugar products instead. High-fiber breads contain more fiber gr to 100 gr 6.
 There are two types of water-soluble and insoluble fibers. Water-soluble fibers delay carbohydrate absorption and passage of blood. Thus, increase in blood sugar after a meal is delayed. And oats, rye breads, rich in water-soluble fibers. Water-insoluble fibers may help to prevent constipation. White bread and corn flakes, insoluble in water, rich in fibers.

Balanced Nutrition Butter, Margarine and Oils
 You should consider the use of these products contain the quality of the oil. Use of vegetable fats, unsaturated fats are healthier than the rate in terms of height. Olive oil and sunflower oil, is ideal for cooking or salads. If you want to use butter, bread, use very little driving.

Balanced Diet and Dairy Products
 Dairy products, fats and sugar check rates. Avoid using cream and other high-fat dairy products.
 Many yogurt products contain high amounts of sugar's contribution. If you want to eat yoğurdunuzu sweet, fresh or canned in natural meyvenizi into yogurt, add your favorite. If you use canned food, sugar-free varieties prefer your contribution.

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