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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a healthy lifestyle?
 Lifelong health of all individuals in the conservation, development, quality of life and healthy life (the adoption of healthy eating and physical activity habits of smoking prevention) Adoption of forms, existing and feeding problems affecting life quality (protein-energy malnutrition, iron deficiency anemia, iodine deficiency disease, rickets, dental caries, obesity, etc.). minimizing diet-induced chronic diseases (including coronary heart disease, hypertension, certain cancers, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc.). way of life for the prevention and treatment, improving the environmental conditions and correcting the development as defined.

Which activities are considered as physical activity?
 Physical activity in daily life and the actual energy consumption by using the muscles and joints, heart and breathing rate increases and the activities of different intensities can be described as resulting in fatigue. Walk, run, jump, swim, bike ride, crouch down - get up, arm and leg movements, basic body movements such as head and body movements, including a part or all of the branches of a variety of sports, dance, exercise, play and physical activity as a day of activities within be accepted.

What is the benefit of regular exercise?
 Dose of the drug used to reduce or eliminate the need for medication. Reduces the risk of heart disease and other chronic illnesses. Makes the person energetic, reduces stress. Helps to lose weight. Muscles and bones strong. Improves the quality of life. Regular exercise reduces blood pressure. Studies in mild and moderate hypertension regular exercise lowers blood pressure and shows an average of 10 mmHg. This is similar to that achieved with small amount of blood pressure medication. However, long term benefits to be provided is much higher. Medium-intensity exercise, according to heavy-intensity exercise can reduce blood pressure level, scientific studies have proven more effective.

What are the issues to be considered when applying Exercise?
 Before warm-up exercises (10-15 minutes) should be performed. Flexibility exercises should be done during the warm-up and cool-down. Monitored heart rate during exercise (or heart rate by counting the heart rate can be monitored using indicating instruments). Enjoy doing the activities, should be applied as a group. At the end of the exercises gradually reduced the level of activity (5-10 minutes cooling). Measure of breathing during exercise. Hold the breath during exercise, reduces the return of blood to the heart.

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