
Blogger news

Jul 17, 2012

Easy Recipes for Puffy Eyes

 When you look in the mirror in the morning, even afraid of yourself means that the time has come sıvamanızın handles for eye care.
 The best way to fight unwanted, swollen eyes, in fact, care recipes you can do at home
to apply on a regular basis. But even this is not sufficient in some cases.
 Here are a few tips that you can apply for puffy eyes:
 Take the refrigerator one night to eat 2 tbs. Put the spoons on the eyes in the morning. This allows you to
switch in front of eye bulge. No need to be like ice spoons.
 Cucumber, with the effect of antioxidants used in the treatment of many skin and acne. Sliced ​​cucumber over your eyes and hold for 4-5 minutes.
 Milk, a secret weapon against the swollen eyes. Keep your eyes on the drops for 5-6 minutes a few drops of cleaning pamuğunuza.
 Cold tea bags, other alternatives for tired and swollen eyes. Mint tea bag in refrigerator for 2 one night and leave for 5-6 minutes in the morning and put on your eyes. Remember olacağnı different effects of different herbal teas.

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